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Please check out all materials through Librarika or see me
(Sharon Smith). All books have a barcode so that you can scan it for check in and check out using the Librarika app-free app for ios and android devices. You can check in and check out books through Librarika's webpage which is now located in the resources section of the church website. To check in/out with Librarika you need to create a username and password in Librarika. You can also write the title or name of material borrowed plus your name on a post near the window and leave it in the library and I will take care of it. I will bring items from the library to you after services as well-just let me know what you need.

I will be in the library during Bible class Sunday morning. I'm also available Sunday evening/Wednesday worship service times. You can check out library material anytime.

There is not a late fee or damage fees so ignore it on the website if you see it, but if you lose/damage a book just let me know.

At the top of the Librarika webpage is a catalog search and Database A-Z feature. You can look for books on the website by title, author, category, publisher or tag using the catalog search. You can also look up titles by alphabetical order in the Database A-Z section.

Occasionally the Librarika app will display more than one title when you scan a barcode on the book. If that happens, just click on the title you're checking out.

There are some children titles donated that are available for children to check out with parent permission or for teacher use to aid lesson objectives.

The library has a brown drop off bin near the DVD bins. If you bring books back to the library place them in this bin-thanks!

The library is accepting donations. There is a green donations container near the door at the bottom of the main library shelves-thank you!
Phone: 9103816902